Product Placement [BB485]
9 November, 2014
If Hotel Rwanda now screens as Hyatt Rwanda, or Man of Steel is Man of BHP, can you un-brand the other 14 films? (And what newly branded movies can you add to the list?)
1. Full Metal Armani
2. Rear Stegbar
3. Das Blundsten
4. VO5
5. Duck Heinz
6. Like Evian for Nestle
7. Reflex Moon
8. MoonsMack
9. Space IXL
10. Sunbeam Man
11. Lavazza & Holiday
12. Gillette Nike
13. LuxLenox
14. Pauls
BB484 SOLUTION: Agate; segregate; surrogate; Colgate; (circum)navigate; aggregate; investigate, interrogate; propagate, conjugate; irrigate, sluicegate. (Other gates may close the deal.)
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