Yoo-Hoo Clue Coup
14 June, 2016
This week's Storm is built on a whim - and relies on your vim What are the odds of making a clue where one word in either the definition or wordplay elements happens to rhyme with the answer? Sure, a camel is a mammel, while quiver means shiver, but I'm sure there are more subtle means of implanting a rhyme in your work.
Testing the water, here's my initial splash:
BEARD - Face up to weird bread
COLLAPSE - Dog that's escaped niche, perhaps, in cave
[COLL/ie + APSE]
STEINBECK - Novelist suffering neck bites
Better still if I could manage a complete rhyme for Steinbeck (wine tech, mine wreck...) but that's your challenge: how well can you weave wordplay around a solution rhyme? Now's the time. Have fun, everyone.
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